SUNDAYS: 10 AM Sunday School, 11 AM Morning Worship, 6 PM Evening Service - get directions

About Us

Marsh Creek Fellowship Baptist Church ~ A Brief History

The Marsh Creek Baptist Church was organized at the Canada Run Schoolhouse December 2, 1880 with 27 charter members. On March 19, 1892, the church leased land from L.L. Torpy. They were given two years in which to erect a church. Wednesday, December 6, 1893 was a red letter day in the history of the Marsh Creek Baptist Church. Since its organization, they had been worshiping in a school house. On that day they entered a cheerful church home which had just been completed.

On April 20, 1965 the members voted to buy Old Marsh Creek School for $2,000. In 1967 the parsonage and recreation room were built in the school house. On August 24, 1976 The Fellowship Baptist Church united with Marsh Creek Baptist Church.

May 2, 1982 was the groundbreaking on the auditorium, which was to be attached to the existing recreation room, Sunday school rooms, and parsonage. On November 4, 1982, an accident occurred involving a milk tanker and a car. The driver of the tanker was injured, but his life was spared. Sadly, the driver of the car, Stephen C. Lytle (24) of Wellsboro, was killed. The church building was knocked off its foundation and some of the contents were destroyed. The building, which was already up for sale, was now rendered unusable. The congregation had to move services to the recreation room until construction of the new auditorium was completed.

On May 8, 1983 the church began to occupy the current auditorium and its lower floor. The dedication for the new facilities was on July 10, 1983.

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